Music Ministries
Our church is currently composed of an Organ, Bass Guitar Trumpet and Piano. After becoming a member at Faith Baptist, any soft instrumentalists are welcome to chime in during the Music Service or Specials.

Visitation Ministries
At Faith Baptist, our Pastor and members reach out to our local community and those currently in the hospital, sharing words of faith and comfort. Thus, also bringing fellowship to those who can not make it to church.
Missionary Support
Faith Baptist Church currently supports a variety of Local, National, and International Missionaries and Ministries. To see a full list of our Missionaries and the countries they faithfully and thoroughly serve the Lord, visit the 'Missionaries' tab under 'Ministries'.
Ministry Means Service! Christians are commanded to serve one another. None of the words for service or ministry is restricted to the ordained Leader. All members have obligations to love, help and serve one another. Whether our service is in word or in deed, it is a religious duty for all Christians. Whether we are ordained or not, we are all called to serve the Lord.